TRAINING|Deffic IMMF l 公式web site
At Deffic, we apply “Core Drive” principle to express various movements, which is an operating system of techniques and body control.
Let’s enjoy learning and acquire this through below curricula.

and warming up

Body stretch that you feel pain from would cause a muscle reflection, helps only your muscle to become even stiffer.

At Deffic, we encourage unstrained body stretch with listening carefully to your body.

Once your body is better conditioned, we start warming up by 3-axis body control in front-rear, up-down and left-right, to thoroughly awaken your body sensibility. (Body control is just like body rehabilitation, so we practice it without any rush.)


Posture and footwork are the basics for martial arts. We learn a relaxed, yet stable posture, and/or footwork like a hovercraft sliding around on earth.

Limb Control

We learn basics of offense-defense technique by various limb control systems (throwing, squeezing, open/close, rotation).

Six major tactics

We learn 6 major tactics through inter-personal and mitt drills.

Performing these tactics is being an assignment in Deffic’s level examination.
By practicing these, you can install our offense-defense techniques from basics to a higher applications on to yourself efficiently and reasonably.


We mainly practice mass-sparring (ie. soft-touch on face) and light-contact sparring (ie. light impact on protector) with various rules and situation setting.

We hold inter-club tournament every year, though at Deffic, what we ultimately seek is not a fighting technique controlled under specific rules.


We also practice using weapons, applying the tactics in the curricula discussed above.

We mainly practice weapons such as baston, knife, karambit knifes, or sarong, though this is not to encourage you carrying self-defense weapons.

Knowledge about weapons is important to defend yourself.
For example, your guard against a knife thrust helps only your arm to be cut.

Unique Training

Martial art is not something that is optimized to a certain set of rules.
It is an art to evade unexpected combats in various situations, which requires simple motion principles and resourceful measures to meet those situations.
Below are three examples.

  • When practicing on hitting focus mitts, other pupils will apply random pressure on you.
    It is ideal to keep calm and focus on your practice, but sometimes it helps improving application of your technique by practicing under such a high pressure.
  • This is a training to perform a random offense and defense between the one who grab the other’s shoulder, and one who is grabbed.
    By the beginning of any random action by the one who is grabbed on the shoulder, the other who grabs starts corresponding to fight.
    This is a practice that simulates a specific occasion, in which the one who is grabbed can start reacting, and to proceed with arm-lock, and/or just burst into throwing a kick.
    The other who grabs can drag the him down, and/or fire a punch.
  • The situation starts with you being in a corner of a room, with an opponent holding a knife at you.
    You will escape form the situation, rush to the next room and shut the door.
    Our pupils are used to sliding doors of our school building, but they get cut on their back while rushing to open and close the door, even when the door is unlocked.
    The purpose of this simulation is to create you an occasion to think about a case, what if this happens in a more narrow toilet room for example..
    The stories became a bit complicated here, but such unique simulations are practiced like fun games, often being enjoyed here.

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